The Hon. Ralph A. Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella, with H.E. Erywan Yusof, Second Minister of Foreign Affairs to Brunei Darussalam.
The Hon. Ralph A. Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella, with H.E. Erywan Yusof, Second Minister of Foreign Affairs to Brunei Darussalam.
H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government of Principality Monte de Agrella, with H.R.H. His Majesty King Mswati III of the Kingdom of Eswatini.
H.E. Salwa Kader, Ambassador at Large to Principality Monte de Agrella, and President of the United States Federation for Middle East Peace, with The Hon. Ghassan Hasbani, Minister of Public Health and Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Lebanon, and The Hon. Ralph A. Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella.
H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government of Principality Monte de Agrella, with H.E. Ron Prosor, Ambassador: Permanent Mission of the State of Israel to the United Nations.
H.E. Francois Delattre, Ambassador: Permanent Mission of the French Republic to the United Nations, with The Hon. Ralph A. Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella, and H.E. Jorge Skinner-Klee Arenales, Ambassador: Permanent Mission of the Republic of Guatemala to the United Nations.
The Hon. Ralph A. Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella, with H.E. Delcy Eloína Rodríguez Gómez, Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.