The Hon. Ralph A. Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella, with The Hon. José Ulisses de Pina Correia e Silva, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cabo Verde.
The Hon. Ralph A. Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella, with The Hon. José Ulisses de Pina Correia e Silva, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cabo Verde.
H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government of Principality Monte de Agrella, with H.E. Samantha Power, Ambassador: Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations, and The Hon. Ralph A. Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella.
The Hon. Ralph A. Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella, with H.E. Archbishop Auza, Ambassador: Permanent Mission of the Vatican City State.
H.E. The Hon. Moon Jae-In, the Republic of Korea’s President, with The Hon. Ralph A Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella.
H.E. The Hon. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organisation, and former Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, with H.E. Admasu Hegana, Special Envoy of Principality Monte de Agrella to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government of Principality Monte de Agrella, with H.E. The Hon. Muhammadu Buhari, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria discussing Diplomatic Relations and African Trade, more specifically Sustainable Technologies in respect to Africa in line with Agenda 63.