H.E. Dr. Riyad H. Mansour, Ambassador: Permanent Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, with H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government of Principality Monte de Agrella.
H.E. Dr. Riyad H. Mansour, Ambassador: Permanent Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, with H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government of Principality Monte de Agrella.
The Hon. Ralph A. Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella, with H.S.H. Albert II, Prince of the Principality of Monaco.
H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government of Principality Monte de Agrella, with H.E. Ron Prosor, Ambassador: Permanent Mission of the State of Israel to the United Nations.
H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government of Principlity Monte de Agrella, with H.E. Rosette Mossi Nyamale, DRC Ambassador: Permanent Mission of Democratic Republic of Congo to Republic of India.
H.E. Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, President and H.E. Ms. Tshepo Motsepe, First Lady of the Republic of South Africa, H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government, H.S.H. Hyunmi Sovereign Princess Consort, and H.E. Jean-Jacques Meyer, Ambassador at Large to Principality Monte de Agrella, invited as Special Guests to the ANCWL Gala Dinner in
the Republic of South Africa.
The Hon. Ralph A. Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella, with H.E. The Hon. Cherif M. Zene, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chad, H.S.H. Hyunmi Sovereign Princess Consort, and H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government of Principality Monte de Agrella, addressing International Relations.