H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government of Principality Monte de Agrella, with H.E. Taye Atske-Selassie, Ambassador of Permanent Mission for the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government of Principality Monte de Agrella, with H.E. Taye Atske-Selassie, Ambassador of Permanent Mission for the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
H.E. The Hon. Kairat Abdrakhmanov, Minister of Foreign Affairs and (former) Ambassador: Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the United Nations, with H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government of Principality Monte de Agrella.
H.E. Francois Delattre, Ambassador: Permanent Mission of the French Republic to the United Nations, with The Hon. Ralph A. Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella, and H.E. Jorge Skinner-Klee Arenales, Ambassador: Permanent Mission of the Republic of Guatemala to the United Nations.
The Hon. Ralph A. Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella, with H.E. Salwa Kader, Ambassador at Large to Principality Monte de Agrella, and President of the United States Federation for Middle East Peace, The Hon. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Turkey, and Mrs. Emine Erdoğan.
The Hon. Ralph A. Kader, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations to Principality Monte de Agrella, with The Hon. Chief Justice Vagn P. Joensen, Minister of Justice to Principality Monte de Agrella, and Reigning Monarch, H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government of Principality Monte de Agrella.
H.S.H. Immanuel Sovereign Prince, Head of State and Government of Principality Monte de Agrella, with The Hon. Mohamed Salem Ould Salek, Foreign Minister of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic at the African Union General Assembly in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.